even before the recent improvements, new york had its share of cycling gems: riding the dedicated wooden cycle path over the brooklyn bridge is an unmissable pleasure with unbeatable views. .
if you believe that nothing but what you say and do is the truth, you are not a good catch. and that is an unbeatable truth.
read-only databases : for distribution of databases on e.g. a cd-rom. esp. when used in combination with the embedded version of the engine, this gives unbeatable ease of deployment.
but he has already done well to topple a seemingly unbeatable foe.
your columnist once needed urgent help against a seemingly unbeatable enemy from that world.
my mother was livid. my grandmother had that self-satisfied look of someone who has thrown down an unbeatable trump card.
mayola williams is an example of the power of perseverance over a seemingly unbeatable adversary.
therefore, web services have an unbeatable agility advantage.
ask to be seated upstairs, where businessmen and dolled-up couples sit in buttery yellow leather chairs and gaze at unbeatable views of the public garden outside.
together with digestsearch「s ability to instantly find a particular keyword, it could become an unbeatable solution.
与digestsearch 的对特定关键字进行快速查找的能力相结合,这将成为一种无可伦比的解决方案。
his serve may be weak, but he returns them at an unbeatable rate.
apple’s platform seemed unbeatable in part because it was a monolithic, closed ecosystem.
murray has been unbeatable during the autumn asian swing of the atp tour capturing consecutive titles in bangkok tokyo -- where he beat rafael nadal in the final -- and shanghai.
「i don」t feel unbeatable and i don't think anybody is,」 the belgrade native continued.
「animals with human characteristics are an unbeatable combination, 」 channel manager dan balaam said.
certainly microsoft will be buying a fast-growing, well-positioned global asset with an unbeatable brand.