
2025-01-07 12:22 浏览次数 3



adv. 因此

conj. 于是;随之,接着;马上;因此

whereupon 英语释义


  • in consequence of which;

    "this is a statement whereat the listeners may get angry"

  • upon which;

    "the rock whereupon she stood"

  • closely following and in consequence of which;

    "the Japanese refused to import U.S. made cellular phones whereupon the U.S. imposed strict tariffs on Japanese exports"

whereupon 片语


thereforead 因此;所以

accordinglyad 因此,于是;相应地;照着

consequentlyad 因此;结果;所以

thusad 因此;从而;这样;如此

hencead 因此;今后

whereupon 例句


  • four tables were on this side, and four tables on that side, by the side of the gate; eight tables, whereupon they slew their sacrifices.


  • a week later, the subjects returned to give a witness statement, whereupon they were told that their partner might have seen a different video and therefore to stick firmly to first-hand information.


  • and samson said unto the lad that held him by the hand, suffer me that i may feel the pillars whereupon the house standeth, that i may lean upon them.


  • he likes being able to ask his navigation system to 「show me the nearest hospitals」, whereupon it calls up a list of nearby facilities.


  • during the render phase the components contained within the form component will be looked up and asked to render themselves, whereupon they will generate standard html to the output.


  • one of the man insulted another, whereupon a fight broke out.


  • as she flounced back to join us she made a remark about preferring her brother to any other man, whereupon one of the crowd said 「yuck, how pervy!」


  • you soar a mile above the ocean, then slowly circle for 20 minutes as the pilot guides you to a leisurely landing on the beach, whereupon gravity takes over again.


  • she laughed at him , whereupon he walked out .


  • the retarded brother shouted, 「let him have it,」 whereupon the brother shot and killed the police officer.


  • the player actors wait to be asked for a move, whereupon each one responds with an arbitrary move.


  • whereupon the crab fastened his pincer-like fore claws upon the crane「s throat and tore at it until the crane perished.


  • these gating procedures typically require an inspection step, whereupon the reviewer is required to indicate his satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the produced output.


  • governor brewer was floundering until she signed 1070, whereupon her ratings soared.

    布鲁尔州长直到签署了1070法案后,才摆脱困境。 此后,她的支持率一路飙升。

  • the probe expects to reach the 530km-wide body in late july, whereupon it will go into orbit around the rock.


  • toward the end, she suddenly comes on to wilson, whereupon he recoils and backs away, exposed, for all his obscene chatter, as the prudish kid that he is.


  • the only thing that could deflect her from work, she once wrote, was 「being in love」, whereupon everything else flew out the window.


  • the vicar having opened it and found it to contain a book, read a few pages; whereupon he jumped up from his seat and went straight to the shop with the book under his arm.


  • whereupon my auto-repair man laughed raucously and said, 「why, you dumb jerk, he used his voice and asked for them.」


  • her early 「talent for showing off」. the only thing that could deflect her from work, she once wrote, was 「being in love」, whereupon everything else flew out the window.


  • in the life of saint guthlac, written around 740, guthlac is beset by demons, whereupon he "sang the first verse of the sixty-seventh psalm as if prophetically, 」let god arise,' etc.


  • whereupon he chucked the whole business and shipped to the south american coastline on the famous exploring ship beagle.


  • anyone can submit a site to the master database of categorized sites, whereupon other people vote on its placement.


  • and the glory of the god of israel was gone up from the cherub, whereupon he was, to the threshold of the house.


  • whereupon the new owner of the farm said, 「heck, the whole farm’s covered with those things,」 or words to that effect.


whereupon 同义词


accordinglyad 因此,于是;相应地;照着
