it could also have been whiny and new age.
people get rude and whiny when they are exhausted.
some who see the protesters as a bunch of whiny young leftists opposing the great symbols of american capitalism will be tempted circumstantially to side with wall street.
real men eat meat, regardless of what their know-it-all, whiny physician says every year at the end of the check-up.
on examining the frequency of the special purr, she found a peak similar to that of a baby「s cry, which gave it a 「noisy, slightly whiny quality」.
‘it’s just three whiny gagno’ was the fierce reply, in dialect.
however, whiny urban, please don」t forget, the world is an illusion.
the same request comes off very differently if it「s done with a smile and a hug, as opposed to a whiny tone or angry face.
you hired him, so you must put up with his whiny voice but should coach him in the art of the snappy answer.
he acts like a whiny princess when he」s on stage.
in gerrard「s evidence, the exchange runs like a whiny late-night teenage altercation: "he basically said to me 」i am not putting your music on'.
杰拉德的证词,让人感觉斗殴的开始就像野孩子的午夜争吵: 「他大致对我说」我不会放你的音乐’。
a big soft yao can still squeeze your whiny face into a pancake with his mighty butt crack!
be careful about the tone of your voice. keep it evenly moderated and avoid getting a high-pitched, whiny or tearful tone.