whip up中文,whip up的意思,whip up翻译及用法

2025-01-07 12:23 浏览次数 3

whip up

英[hwip ʌp]美[hwɪp ʌp]


whip up 英语释义


  • prepare or cook quickly or hastily

whip up 片语


whip up excitement激起兴奋

whip up another spell施展另一个咒语

stir up激起;煽动;搅拌;唤起

Whip something up使(水、沙等)翻腾


whip up racist sentiments煽动种族主义情绪

whip up rouse excite激起

whip sth up翻译

whip p up鞭打

whip up an egg打鸡蛋

whip up public opinion煽动舆论

whip up 例句


  • invite your child into the kitchen to help you whip up a special dish — from christmas cookies to potato pancakes.


  • staff members will cook your meals for a fee, or you can whip up your own.


  • remember, self-discipline is not something that you can whip up out of thin air.it takes a long time and a lot of courage to develop.but the results are well worth the effort.


  • and if there are absolutely no leftovers, i scrounge for whatever’s available and eat it, or whip up something quick.


  • but would i crack enough to whip up a dressing of couscous with pecans, parsley and loads of scallions?


  • you「ve always wanted to learn how to build software yourself—or just whip up an occasional script—but never knew where to start.


  • then whip up some fat-burning cinnamon toast by using your new concoction on whole-wheat bread!


  • the main opposition party, the bjp, which enjoys the support of millions of stallholders, is doing its best to whip up anger.


  • my friend is an excellent baker: she can whip up a three-tier wedding cake in an afternoon with no stress, and ice it the following dawn.


  • now that the last space shuttle has landed back on earth, a new generation of space entrepreneurs would like to whip up excitement about the prospect of returning to the moon.


  • and even on cars out of warranty, all it would take would be a handful of leaky fuel lines causing disasters to whip up a fire-storm of product-liability suits.


  • we’ve all been there — after a busy day you whip up a quick supper before relaxing on the sofa for an hour and then head towards your bed.


  • reliable information is scarce, making it easy to whip up prices by spreading rumours.


  • there are dozens of cooking oils you can use to whip up your favorite dishes, dressings, and desserts. but which is best?


  • ask a graphic designer to whip up a logo for you. have the receptionist who works the front desk and knows everyone in the company by name collect wedding and birth announcements.


  • in recent weeks army agents have helped whip up a storm of anti-american propaganda in the country’s media. this is an easy task, since america is widely hated, despite all the cash it provides.


  • two years ago franck riboud, the boss of danone, a french food group, was able to whip up a froth of economic nationalism to ward off the mere threat of a takeover by america」s pepsico.


  • mixologists (a.k.a. your friendly neighborhood bartenders) can whip up hundreds of cocktail recipes, but the truth is, most people order the same drinks over and over again.

    调酒师 (或者叫做附近酒吧的友善酒保)可以给你晃出好几百种鸡尾酒,然而事实上,绝大多数人都只会点某几种最常见的酒。

  • eat oatmeal at breakfast, choose whole-wheat bread at lunch, or whip up brown rice at dinner instead of white.


  • then the app calculates how much of each ingredient you need, so — if you remember your phone — you can whip up a batch of biscuits around the campfire.


  • anyone who can boil water can whip up a batch of rice and lentils in just over half an hour, providing fiber, protein and one of humankind’s classic comfort foods.


  • some find it quicker and easier to whip up eggs and cream with an old-fashioned, hand-held beater or a wire whisk.


whip up 同义词


