a whirlpool is seen near oarai city ibaraki prefecture northeastern japan march 11 2011.
the andromeda galaxy burns like a blazing whirlpool in the most detailed infrared picture yet of our nearest full-size galactic neighbor, released wednesday.
and british newcomer ken mackintosh’s image of the whirlpool galaxy slowly devouring its smaller neighbour also won a prize.
史蒂夫·克里斯滕森(美国),一组以山顶俯视的视角拍摄的加利福利亚巖石后的夕阳余晖。 新起之秀肯恩·麦金托什的照片展示了涡状星系缓慢吞并它的弱小比邻也博得奖项。
another contains a whirlpool bath and a large bin of beer cans, while a third contains sadomasochistic equipment, including chains on the wall and a cage.
the huge whirlpool could suck in the boat.
researchers at whirlpool are also experimenting with an oven that will let you roast a skinless chicken to crispy perfection.
as well as that, some have three-car garages, wall-to-wall carpeting, whirlpool baths, granite kitchen counter-tops, walk-in closets and gas fireplaces.
but some of the most beautiful things in nature and our universe exhibit mathematical properties, from the smallest seashell to the biggest whirlpool galaxies.
the whirlpool near the port of oarai - captured on film from a helicopter - lasted for several hours. a boats was caught by its pull - but it was unclear whether it was occupied.
but it will force companies to re-examine their own security processes before they jump into its whirlpool of potential difficulties.
when finally the basin of water has sunk from the bowl to the cistern pipes, where does the form of the whirlpool go?
writing a birth plan is a great way to focus on details such as whether you’d like to bring music to the delivery room or whether you’d like the option of getting in a whirlpool to reliever pain.
turbines at the barrage de la rance electric power generating station in france create a whirlpool in the rance river.
one drop of water is not enough for a whirlpool to appear in, just as one pinch of sand is not enough to hatch an avalanche.