an aircraft without wings that obtains its lift from the rotation of overhead blades
whirlybird 片语
Whirlybird Games开发公司
whirlybird d直升飞机
Whirlybird Headscissors直升飞机式头部剪刀脚
Nasturtium Whirlybird Cherry盘旋鸟系
Whirlybird d Headscissors直升飞机式头部剪刀脚
eggbeater whirlybird直升飞机
verticraft[航] 直升飞机
helicopter[航] 直升飞机
whirlybird 例句
maples make those little whirlybird seeds you see spiraling down in droves each spring. their papery little wings keep them aloft so they can find a good place to germinate and make a new maple.