white balance
[电子] 白平衡,白色平衡
2025-01-07 12:23 浏览次数 2
[电子] 白平衡,白色平衡
White e balance白平衡
White color balance correction algorithm白
White color balance白平衡
White Color Balance Correction白
Auto white balance自动白平衡
white field balance白色场平衡
white field balance current ratio白色平衡电流比
here are some of the basic white balance settings you’ll find on cameras
the gray-pipette tool (third from the left in the tools row) will sample a pixel and adjust the white balance to make that pixel gray.
white balance was generally acceptable, but it did take a few seconds for the camera to adjust when moving quickly between scenes.
the first shot is one of some books on my wife’s bookshelf taken in auto white balance mode.
this procedure is not a replacement for getting someone with a colorimeter to calibrate your white balance for you.
dslrs have the advantage of overall color control via the white balance (wb) setting you use.
auto white balance performance has been improved.
extensive manual controls including an exposure bracketing mode that newly includes settings for white balance and color modes.
a neutral white card may be used to set the white balance level on some advanced digital cameras.
the white balance adjustment performance is greatly improved especially under fluorescent lights, daytime sunlight and low light.
many cameras come with automatic white balance and it works pretty well most of the time.
how do you decide on exposure and white balance when you are photographing a very dark-skinned and a very light-skinned person standing right next to each other?
white balance is an aspect of photography that many digital camera owners don’t understand or use – but it’s something well worth learning about as it can have a real impact upon the shots you take.
adjustments to white balance would also be done here but in this case i left it on ‘as shot’.
this mode attempts to adjust the camera「s white balance to compensate for the loss of color underwater without the need for an artificial light source.
different digital cameras have different ways of adjusting white balance so ultimately you’ll need to get out your camera’s manual out to work out the specifics of how to make changes.
things like your camera」s white balance setting aren「t rendered to the image, so you can adjust it in the converter as you please, and change your mind.
adjustable white balance with auto, clear, cloudy, tungsten and fluorescent settings.
manually adjust the white balance and flash settings so they don」t 「auto-adjust」 themselves.