the first models are drawn on the whiteboard (or on a sheet of paper) and tend to be informal.
whiteboard is the actual design view of the process.
「speed is god」 is written on the first whiteboard you see when you walk up the stairs to our shanghai headquarters.
when i ask how far his speech has returned, he dashes around the conference table to a big whiteboard on the wall.
when running a collaborative meeting online, use the whiteboard feature to capture ideas.
the team assembled in bangalore, set up a whiteboard in a rented apartment and started brainstorming.
it is helpful for jumping quickly to a particular portion of your workflow, especially when the workflow definition is large and can「t fit into the whiteboard without scrollbars.
if an interactive computer screen is to match a whiteboard in usefulness, it must be viewable from arm」s length as well as from across a room.
if you are not using a modeling tool, your realization may be a desk drawer containing hand-drawn models or photographs of whiteboard models.
when you ask for something concrete, he just waxes poetic and returns to the whiteboard to draw yet another diagram.
for example, before a meeting, it may be enough to simply draw a quick expectation model on a whiteboard in order to understand the expectations of those coming to the meeting.
the software includes a browser-based video/audio conference, a text notepad, and a whiteboard for drawing.
on the whiteboard near his desk are the colourful doodles of one of his three sons—testimony to a recent spot of baby-sitting.