white clay中文,white clay的意思,white clay翻译及用法

2025-01-07 12:23 浏览次数 2

white clay

英[hwait klei]美[hwaɪt kle]

[陶瓷] 白粘土;高岭土

white clay 片语


White Organic Superfine Clay白色天然有机矿物泥

Kae Rhassoul White Natural ClayKae摩洛哥火山熔巖泥

white e clay高岭土

kaolin clay高岭土

argilla高岭土(用于制作瓷器; 在绘画和雕塑中用作底子、板面材料; 亦用于制作锌钛颜料)

White Stained Clay白色黏土块

papermaking white clay造纸白泥

White Clay Pack凈颜亮肌双白泥面膜

activated white clay高效活性白土

white-hard clay白硬土

White China clay中国白瓷土

white clay 例句


  • white clay and thai herbs are used to improve your skin's texture and suppleness .


  • one is smoking a pipe made of white clay and is wearing a strange derby hat and a starched collar.


  • three hours later, on christmas morning, we were so excited for almie rose to open the little heart-shaped package with the beautiful red and white clay bike and the note.


  • white clay case「 happened in xingzi, nankang. because of clay mining, the local environment changed.」


  • they even asked for permission to dig white clay from the place where i liked to find it.


  • on christmas morning, we were excited for almie rose to open the little heart-shaped package with the beautiful red and white clay bike and the note.


  • one local thai and burmese custom is to rub white clay on the faces of passersby, giving random strangers a special gesture of goodwill for the new year.


  • the regeneration of waste lubricating oil was tested in a short-path distillation unit with activated white clay as adsorbent. the quality of regenerated oil met the requirements of new oil standards.

