the hotness of something heated until it turns white
white heat 例句
but as if it depended upon that hot-blooded princess, her soul 7)at a white heat under the fires of sadness and jealousy.
he looked up at the mountainside, the path twisting upwards towards the cairn cross, the white heat bleaching the rock.
yes, i「ve succumbed to the newer, cleaner, more efficient life. i」m tanning myself under the white heat of a google sun.
think of it not as if the decision of the question depended upon yourself. but as if it depended upon that hot-blooded princess, her soul at a white heat under the fires of sadness and jealousy.
you must fuse at white heat the several particles of your learning into an element so ductile and so strong that nothing can destroy it without destroying you.
he looked up at the mountainside, the path twisting upwards towards the cairn cross, the white heat bleaching the rock. why on earth couldn't they talk about it?