i left the lawn and moved in the white light and silence along the road, aimless and sorrowing.
they portray two old guys facing terminal illnesses who goad each other into accomplishing some long held fantasies as they stare down that long tunnel with the white light at the end.
in fact we can use newton「s prism to break white light into many colors and study the various wavelengths of each color.
they dug out countless skeletons which shined the dazzling white light not knowing what times they belonged to.
they just bounce back white light for the sun, right to your eyes.
combining red, green and blue leds to produce white light has the potential to be more efficient, and the colour of the light could be tuned depending on mood or taste.
it seemed to have two very bright lights at the front and a white light flashing round and round underneath... as you can imagine, i felt quite shaken.
when the body is in stress, we have various unusual stimulations of the visual sections of the brain, and perhaps that explains the white light or the feeling of compression in the tunnel.
nanosys’s quantum-dot-enhancement film, as the company calls its product, uses the dots to tweak the spectrum from the leds so that it is closer to that of the white light the human eye is used to.
use colored backgrounds on overhead transparencies and slides (such as yellow) as the bright white light can be harsh on the eyes.
instead, with pure white light and high-tech photo equipment that can capture a sliver of time as brief as a 1/8000th of a second, he isolates his subjects」 essences.
an old man named mr hua rose from his bed all of a sudden and struck a match to light up an oily lamp that cast green and white light through the two rooms inside the teahouse.