is the white man innocent or guilty?
she was actually the 74th white one. and never mind all this talk about america electing its first black president; barack obama is actually the 44th white man to hold the job.
也别介意有关美国选出它首位黑人总统的论断;巴拉克·奥巴马(barack obama)实际是第44位坐上此位的白人。
the owner of his farm is a white man from pretoria.
police found two of slusser「s masks in zdzierak」s safe — one of a young black man called 「the player, 」 and another of an old white man called 「the elder.」
at the centre of the story is a late-night murder: after hours of drinking with two friends, a young, white man is shot and killed on the street.
one can’t imagine a white man making a movie in a dress and expecting the film to be no. 1 at the box office. but that did happen 25 years ago when robin williams (」mrs.
so, coming from that kind of culture, i was quite comfortable, really, watching a white man playing an asian character.
but jamaica’s 95 percent black population elected a white man as its prime minister in 1980, and kept him in office throughout that decade.
well, the interesting thing there is that in a way the issue of feminist criticism comes back to haunt gates「s argument because plainly shug doesn」t just mean the white man when she says 「the man.」
reij was the first to climb, serenaded by jovial laughter from the crowd below; it was not often these villagers got to see a white man make a spectacle of himself.
he’s a poor white man in the south; his social status was just better than those colored people.
while she was still a teenager, a white man would father her first-born son under circumstances lost in the passage of time.
she also found a white man to love: mgm musical arranger lenny hayton, whom she married in 1947 and, though they separated in the 「50s, never divorced.
and if we sell you our land, you must keep it apart and sacred as a place where even the white man can go to taste the wind that is sweetened by the meadow」s flowers.
但如果我们把地卖给你,你必须要把它和其他的地分开而且让它保持神圣,让这个地方连白人都可以去品尝风经过草地上的花后的甜美味道。 所以我们会考虑你买地的提议。