white marble
2025-01-07 12:24 浏览次数 2
white e marble汉白玉
White marble pillar angle汉白玉角柱石
Yujingyan White Marble玉景巖汉白玉
white e marble lion白石狮子
white-marble sculpture汉白玉雕塑
white marble material汉白玉石材
White Georgia Marble白色大理石
China White中国白;汉白玉;中国白粉
White Onyx Marble白玉
white e marble table screen白云石台屏
the taj mahal, the famous ancient domed mausoleum built in 17th century in india, is suffering from air pollution with its white marble facade apparently turning yellow.
faced with a solid block—even the lovely curve of white marble that went to make 「the sail」 in 1988—she needed to hack it to pieces, then rebuild it as she wanted.
yet it is darwin we celebrate; it is darwin who, like a god in a temple, like a god in a temple, sits in white marble and presides over the main hall at the natural history museum in london.
然而,今天我们却在为达尔文庆祝。 如今达尔文的塑像,正如庙中的神祗,端坐在伦敦自然历史博物馆大堂中的白色大理石上接受世人的瞻仰。
situated on the banks of river yamuna, the shrine is largely made of white marble that reflects the changes of colour visible during sunset and clear, moonlit nights.
another significant discovery was withering of the monument's white marble and red sandstone structure.
an elegantly carved and polished huge ring of white marble with pink veins elicits a smile.
the white marble monument, with its sprawling gardens, took 20 years to build.
though empires crumble to dust, and centuries are lost in shadows, the white marble still sighs to the stars, 「i remember.」
the floor is sprinkled with signs of the zodiac and bisected by a line of white marble onto which a sun ray falls each day at noon.
high end materials like white marble and stainless steel in the kitchen are paired with a twist of decorative flip flops on the ceiling medallion over chandelier.
a white marble cross that marked their graves had been broken off at the base, perhaps by vandals or a lightning bolt, and had fallen on the ground at the head of the tomb.
it was not like a fine piece of white marble on which words or flowers could be carved, nor like a smooth big bluish stone people used to wash their clothes on.
the exhibition will bring together more than 150 works, from the early white marble dog carved in 1922, to a reclining figure in seductively polished elm, completed in 1978 when moore was 80.
you find yourself in a white marble corridor.
in landscape stone is pure white marble, white marble is a kind of limestone shapes.
we did a total remodel of the second bath, with black and white marble hex tiles on the floor and a white tile wainscot.
an émigré returning after several years away says a gentle change is blowing across the country, like the wind that deposits black sand from the karakum desert over niyazov’s white marble capital.
her jaw was distended, suggesting her agony, and her right hand was clutching a small white marble bust of alexander the great.
there was a silence during which the tick of the monumental ormolu clock on the white marble mantelpiece grew as loud as the boom of a minute-gun.
to the left was a long expanse of black marble floor and six white marble basins on nickel pedestals.
constant physical contact has darkened the white marble while the red sandstone structure is gradually decaying.
they race their bikes and skateboards along the white marble corridors past drag queens, mad old ladies, ageing rockers and men with angel wings and tiaras.
figure 3: the white marble mountains of carrara