conclusions fa values decrease in the different area of white matter in cadasil. the white matter lesions in some regions result in cognitive impairment.
the presence of hemorrhage in patchy cerebral white matter lesions instead suggests the diagnosis of acute hemorrhagic encephalomyelitis, which is distinct from ane and adem.
ct and mri revealed extensive symmetric white matter lesions in cerebra and cerebellum;
objective to evaluate the relationship between intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (icam-1) gene k469e polymorphism and white matter lesions (wml) in asymptomatic elderly people.
目的探讨健康老年人无癥状性脑白质损害(wml)和细胞间黏附分子1 (icam-1)k469e基因多态性之间的关系。
diffusion tensor mr imaging is an established and useful modality that helps to detect the white matter lesions through observation of the abnormal movement of extracellular water molecules.