white phosphorus中文,white phosphorus的意思,white phosphorus翻译及用法
2025-01-07 12:24浏览次数 3
white phosphorus
英[hwait ˈfɔsfərəs]美[hwaɪt ˈfɑsfərəs]
[化学] 白磷;[化学] 黄磷
white phosphorus 英语释义
1. the element phosphorus in its white or yellowish allotropic form — called also yellow phosphorus
white phosphorus 片语
White Phosphorus and Bloggers部落客串连
White Or Yellow Phosphorus白色或黄色磷
white phosphorus yellow phosphorus白磷
white e phosphorus白磷
white e phosphorus match白磷火柴
white phosphorus burn白磷烧伤
white-phosphorus smoke bomb白磷烟幕弹
white phosphorus match白磷火柴
white phosphorus 例句
once white phosphorus is released into the air it rapidly oxidizes. the interaction creates heat and produces a yellow flame and thick white smoke.
the o-2s would sometimes fire small white phosphorus 「willie pete」 to mark the ground targets, and a few o-2s were even equipped with offensive rockets or small bomblets.
the israelis retort that white phosphorus is legally used by many armies as a smokescreen provided it is not fired over densely populated areas.
the cause has been explained that white phosphorus was mistaken for a mast stable simple substance.
at the centre of the controversy is the way white phosphorus air burst shells have been used in heavily built-up urban areas, with an overwhelmingly civilian population.