white space
2025-01-07 12:24 浏览次数 2
1. the areas of a page without print or pictures
by contrast, the white space freed up below 700 megahertz is to be made available for unlicensed use by the public.
as you will see on the examples below, i am shooting in a white space made up of a white background, white ceiling, white walls and white reflectors.
white space includes the characters used by indenting files, spacing elements for greater readability, and inserting extra lines to add a visual separation between different parts of the file.
input that relies on the exact white space in text, however, is, at least in my world, rare.
(the answer, of course, is the original.) plenty of white space and minimal contrast help reduce visual noise and will make your application feel simpler.
we perceive the letters ‘i’, ‘b’, and ‘m’ although the shapes we see, in fact, are only lines of white space of differing length hovering above each other. source.
white space also makes content more readable.
canonicalization creates a standard representation of xml, addressing issues like the tag representation, attribute ordering, namespace declaration, expansion and ordering, and white space handling.
the skip statement at the end of the file says that white space (blanks, tabs, carriage returns, and line feeds) can occur between tokens and is to be ignored.
it is best known for being incredibly clean and easy to read, and it is one of the few languages you'll encounter in which white space and indentation actually matter.
study the differences carefully, particularly for the quoted forms and the parameters that include white space such as blanks or newline characters.
the new design will be cleaner and less congested, with additional white space and a bigger search box.
for example, if you want to ignore white space characters and not visible characters, then set the alternate attribute to shifted and this attribute to u+0020 (space) or u+3000 (ideographic space).
notice how the large amount of white space surrounding golden rectangles creates a calm and simple atmosphere in which the navigation options can breathe and serve their purpose.
instead of legibility, white space can give clarity to the things in our lives — whether they’re possessions, projects, tasks, or just things that occupy our time and attention.
a normalized string simply tells the xml processor to remove any unnecessary extra white space surrounding the string when processing the data.
white space is one of your best friends.