when i saw a fly on a white stone table in suzhou, i photographed it.
when you throw a white stone into the red sea, what will it become?
the grounds were covered with dark green grass through which stretched a straight white stone path .on both sides of the path were planted what i believed to be poinsettias.
the right is a white stone relief of trees, rivers and happy citizens.
it is a small white stone building standing on a black stone square with its original ceilings, its little auditorium and its restored monumental oak wood doors.
the white stone building is sinking, or leaning, on one side.
as marbled as the facade looks, it「s actually made from white stone and red brick.
it is a good small white stone house.
if you were to throw a white stone into the red sea, what would it become?
the second being inspected is the prow navy who dress them up with white uniform, standing quite regularly, just like a stretch of landscape, also a white stone wall, displaying their dauntlessness.
a 196-carat rough white stone (see photo) was found by gem diamonds at the company」s mine in lesotho, a small kingdom in south africa, the daily mail of london reported.
the circular mound altar is one of the more important buildings and is a three-tier white stone terrace enclosed by two walls.
then the smoke went away, and in the ground there was now a big white stone with a ring in it.
seasons of rain and snow had turned the iron gate rusty and left the cemetery「s low white stone walls in decay.
the white stone worship is a common phenomenon among the ethnic groups in the southwest region.
people here also call it white stone mountain.
in the middle is a white stone statue of a soldier, marking the place where the barricade was built, and where those four boys were killed.
in tawang」s hillside villages, where white stone houses flutter with colourful prayer-flags, the chinese troops are remembered rather fondly for having leant a hand in the fields.