1. tea that is light in color and made from buds and immature leaves that are covered with fine white hairs and undergo little to no oxidation before drying
White tea 片语
white peony tea白牡丹花茶
white clove tea container白丁茶叶筒
white crane tea白鹤茶
white gourd tea冬瓜茶
white milk tea白奶茶
White Puerh Tea白普洱茶
White Peony Tea Mask我的美丽日记
White Maojian Tea白毛尖茶
White Tangerine Tea橘子白茶
White tea 例句
White tea especially white hair silver needle has high contents of free amino acids and active antioxidants with catechin in its tea polyphenols.
White tea can separately reduce 21.8% and38.5% the contents of aminotransferase and malondialdehyde which can damage the liver.
Cherry Blossom White tea (Loose Leaf tea) : White tea is very rare and is traditionally associated with nobility.
White tea is stronger in sterilization than green tea.