whitetip shark中文,whitetip shark的意思,whitetip shark翻译及用法

2025-01-07 12:24 浏览次数 2

whitetip shark

large deep-water shark with white-tipped dorsal fin; worldwide distribution; most dangerous shark同义词:

n.smooth dogfish of Pacific and Indian oceans and Red Sea having white-tipped dorsal and caudal fins同义词:

whitetip shark 英语释义


  • large deep-water shark with white-tipped dorsal fin; worldwide distribution; most dangerous shark
  • smooth dogfish of Pacific and Indian oceans and Red Sea having white-tipped dorsal and caudal fins

whitetip shark 例句


  • hammerschlag also nabbed third place in the student category with this photo of an oceanic whitetip shark approaching a tiny fish off cat island in the bahamas.


  • in november, an international conference imposed a ban on trade in whitetip shark from the atlantic and on the hammerhead shark.

