vt. 飕飕作声(等于whiz)
vi. 飕飕作声(等于whiz)
n. 专家;精明的人;子弹等在空中掠过的声音(等于whiz)
2025-01-07 12:24 浏览次数 4
vt. 飕飕作声(等于whiz)
vi. 飕飕作声(等于whiz)
n. 专家;精明的人;子弹等在空中掠过的声音(等于whiz)
"the motor whirred"
"the car engine purred"
whizz z专家
whizz past嗖地掠过
whizz kid someone whose career progresses rapidly
同义词: go-getter whizz-kid whiz-kid ball of fire
Whizz Banga firecracker that (like the whizbang shell) makes a whizzing sound followed by a loud explosion
同义词: whizbang whizzbang
whizz along move along very quickly
同义词: zoom zoom along whizz
whizz through疾驰通过
whizz v返回
whiz whizz飕飕声
robert mcnamara and his fellow whizz kids flourished in post-war america because they realised that power was shifting to finance.
it is hoped the campaign will lead the gchq to a previously-untapped source of mathematical whizz kids, with the capabilities to help protect the country from increasing levels of cyber crime.
the sound is deafening as metal strikes metal, battering my eardrums.wood chips whizz past my head and the temperature seems to be rising in this small and dusty workshop.
many ordinary bike riders complain that the fast, silent electric bikes that now whizz about the city are a menace to other road users.
with its whizz kids and light-touch regulation it was proof, said mr brown, that 「britain can succeed in an open global economy」.
automated lifts whizz cars about before sending them off to a cathedral-like hall to be collected by reverent buyers.
precocious whizz kid james harries had his own antiques business by the age of 10 and, at 14, wrote a book called rags to riches.
「jack's a whizz on the pc and just pressed all the right buttons,」 rachel neal said.
to the whizz kids at aig’s financial products division it seemed like free money.
they whizz through optical fibres, rarely getting lost or interfering with one another (which is why different coloured signals can be sent down a single fibre, to multiply its capacity).
pop a handful of nuts in your food processor and whizz until it forms a nut butter, adding a little oil to help if it looks too dry.
the horseradish is creamy and hot, but the sweetness is smooth rather than sickly, and the combined flavours whizz around my mouth like popping candy.
whizz the cucumber in a blender until it becomes completely liquid, then add the drop of rosemary essential oil.