wholegrain foods中文,wholegrain foods的意思,wholegrain foods翻译及用法

2025-01-07 12:25 浏览次数 2

wholegrain foods


wholegrain foods 例句


  • if wholegrain foods are not palatable for your children, try things such as mixing white and brown rice, and bread such as kingsmill 50/50, which looks white but contains 50 per cent wholemeal flour.

    如果儿童并不喜欢吃全麦食物,可以尝试其他食物,如混合白米和糙米的面包,其中有金斯米尔50/50 ,看起来白色但含有百分之五十全麦面粉。

  • while nobody would advocate sprinkling bran on to toddlers「 and children」s foods, the british dietetic association paediatric group does say that wholegrain foods are acceptable from the age of 1.


  • this is most likely if you「ve not been eating enough fruit, vegetables and wholegrain foods — all good sources of vitamin b.


  • another problem is pesticides. wholegrain foods obviously contain the outer coating of the grain, which means they」re more likely to contain pesticides.


  • the only problem is that large quantities of wholegrain foods can actually upset some people's intestines, so you need to build up your intake slowly.

