Each species has retained a portion of the knowledge necessary to return to a state of wholeness again and ascend home.
Surely a school is a place where one learns about the totality, the wholeness of life.
To accentuate the wholeness of my mind and spirit, I now smile warmly, make eye contact, and speak in a confident manner.
This rebalancing is the returning to wholeness and health.
In so doing, all parts of self, past and present, can be assessed, the karma released, and the fractured soul reunited into a greater state of wholeness within.
When we accept that imperfection is part of human, and when we can continue rolling through life and appreciate it, we will have achieved a wholeness that others can only aspire to.
These qualities bloom when we「re doing what we love, when we」re involving the wholeness of ourselves in our work, both our expertise and our emotion.
So I felt a wholeness with the light, a sense that all is right with me and the universe.
A dream of wholeness is a larger dream in which more can be fulfilled upon in the physical plane dance of life.
As awareness of Being in you unfolds, the sense of individuality will disappear just as one tone of a harp string loses its separateness in the wholeness of the master symphony.
It says that the way to healing and wholeness is to stop measuring yourself by external standards or expectations, even God's.
Health and beauty can have an inner wholeness and balance that offers resilience against the external pressures of your environment.
The creator and creation merge into wholeness of joy.