
2025-01-07 12:25 浏览次数 5



v. 高叫;提高;哄抬(物价等)(whoop的ing形式)

adj. 发嗬嗬声的;发咳嗽声的

whooping 英语释义


    1. to utter a whoop in expression of eagerness, enthusiasm, or enjoyment shout

    2. to utter the cry or call of an animal (such as an owl or gibbon)

    3. to make the characteristic whoop of whooping cough

    4. to go or pass with a loud noise

    5. to be rushed through by acclamation or with noisy support
    the bill whooped through both houses

    6. to utter or express with a whoop

    7. to urge, drive, or cheer on with a whoop

    8. to agitate in behalf of

    9. raise, boost
    whoop up the price

    10. to celebrate riotously carouse

    11. to stir up enthusiasm

    12. a loud yell expressive of eagerness, exuberance, or jubilation —often used interjectionally

    13. a shout of hunters or of people in battle or pursuit

    14. the loud cry or call of an animal (such as an owl, whooping crane, or gibbon) that resembles the sound of the word whoop

    15. the crowing intake of breath following a paroxysm in whooping cough

    16. a minimum amount or degree the least bit
    not worth a whoop

    17. to shout loudly in an enthusiastic or excited way

    18. a high, loud sound expressing enthusiasm or excitement

    19. to shout or cheer loudly and strongly
    “It's the men from camp,” the judge said. “They're searching for us.” We started whooping.
    — Wilson Rawls, Where the Red Fern Grows

    20. to make the high-pitched gasping sound that follows a coughing attack in whooping cough

    21. a loud strong shout or cheer

    22. to make the characteristic whoop of whooping cough

    23. the crowing intake of breath following a paroxysm in whooping cough

whooping 片语


Whooping g cough百日咳

whooping disease喘息性疾病

Whooping Willow打人柳

whooping ahem百日咳

In Whooping Cough用于百日咳癥

whooping swan[鸟]

whooping cough[内科] 百日咳

whooping crane鸣鹤,[鸟] 高鸣鹤

whooping 例句


  • reporters noted a very visible tear dripping down his cheek when he was greeted by whooping american soldiers.


  • they threw stones and other missiles at shop windows, whooping and shouting as they ran from police.


  • an oil derrick showered silver confetti on the whooping crowd.


  • it might look like everyone is whooping it up in search of a good time, but they could be conducting an important experiment in naval technology.


  • at 2 years old, he contracted measles, whooping cough, and chickenpox.


  • now these fancy boys start at a whooping 599 euros (about $860 u.s. dollars), and can go higher depending on the design.


  • a huge crowd of whooping cariocas greeted the news, relayed to a huge tv screen on copacabana beach, with unabashed delight.


  • she’s reading even though he’s whooping about some play.


  • thyme is an officially approved german treatment for coughs, upper respiratory infections, bronchitis, and whooping cough, with good reason.


  • the two-stamp set featured a black-necked crane and a whooping crane.


  • scarlet fever, measles, whooping cough: kennedy「s childhood was riddled with health issues.

    猩红热、麻疹、百日咳 :肯尼迪的童年一直伴有健康问题。

  • in years gone by, many children were afflicted with polio, measles, mumps, rubella, influenza, small pox, diphtheria, whooping cough and others.


  • the proportion of the world」s infants vaccinated against diphtheria, whooping cough, and tetanus has climbed from less than half to 82 percent between 1985 and 2008.


  • a perfect contemporary example, weiss says, is pertussis, or whooping cough.


  • how many wild whooping cranes are there?


  • when vaccine rates drop, deadly diseases can re-emerge – as we’ve seen recently with the whooping cough epidemic in california.


  • josh staggers to his feet, shaken. two direhorse riders pull up to a stop at josh's kill, whooping and waving their herding spears.


  • i wouldn’t mind whooping your butt in a few rounds of street fighter.


  • 「the contest begins tonight, 」 mccain told cheering and whooping supporters gathered in a dallas hotel ballroom.


  • i am hoarse with whooping by the time we all amazingly get out alive.


  • in delhi and mumbai a machinegun racket of firecrackers and joyful whooping will enliven the night, and mr obama should make the most of it.


  • that can be a sign of pertussis, or whooping cough, which can be serious and has been more prevalent in the past few years.


  • immunization against hib, pneumococcus, measles and whooping cough (pertussis) is the most effective way to prevent pneumonia.


whooping 同义词


