n. 特大的东西;谎言,弥天大谎
2025-01-07 12:25 浏览次数 2
n. 特大的东西;谎言,弥天大谎
belly whopper a dive in which the abdomen bears the main force of impact with the water
同义词: belly flop belly flopper belly whop
Double Whopper双层皇堡
Whopper Freakout华堡吓掉掉
whopper fishing钓大鱼
Whopper Day皇堡日
Angriest Whopper愤怒的皇堡
Whopper Sacrifice巨无霸的牺牲品
The Whopper大家伙
big lie大骗局,弥天大谎
they were talking about peter. when whopper went near the people, they looked at him.
this whopper may well grow more than 1.8m tall and has white flowers like huge bells.
to be specific, it’s the ‘largest built by one person’ – francis a johnson wrapped the 17,400lb whopper on his farm over the course of 29 years.
add or subtract ingredients to make your perfect whopper sandwich, then sit back and enjoy the show.
whopper spoke in a low voice, but the man on the telephone heard him clearly.
there are so many ways a first conversation can run off the rails – a misinterpreted word, an inappropriate joke, a whopper of a prejudice.
it turns out that for someone, like mr paulson, who has lots of shares in one company, becoming treasury secretary comes with a whopper of a tax benefit.
and the french revolution—not tropical, to be sure—began with crop failures that some have linked to a whopper of a ni?o then getting under way.
netflix announced a whopper of a price increase to all of its customers in july of 2011.
(realsimple.com) -- i spent my childhood listening to my mother tell one whopper of a story after another.
earlier this year it offered users of facebook, a social-networking website, a free whopper burger if they would dump ten of their online friends.
whopper lowered his voice but he was still excited.
according to the company, the new whopper includes the same ingredients as the original version, but all the condiments are rotated 180 degrees.
that stands for the world trade organization, the global body charged with supervising and liberalizing international commerce — and a whopper of a cautionary tale.
a typical 4-year-old stretches the truth once every two hours, while 6-year-olds will tell a whopper every 90 minutes [source: bronson].
a 150-pound person who runs for 60 minutes (with a pace of a 10-minute mile) will burn about 680 calories, or roughly the number of calories in a whopper from burger king.