forming one or more whorls (especially a whorl of leaves around a stem)
in the shape of a coil
whorled 片语
whorled arrangement且为轮状摆列
whorled phyllotaxy轮生叶序
whorled aster轮生翠菊
whorled phyllotaxis轮生叶序
whorled flower轮生花
whorled stonecrop还魂草
Sometimes Whorled有时轮生
whorled bud轮生芽
Appearing Whorled似乎轮生
whorled 例句
those studies accumulate experimental data for studies on leaf development of whorled leaf and alternate leaf in polygonatum mill.
any of several weedy, low-growing herbs of the genera spergula or spergularia, especially spergula arvensis native to europe, having linear whorled leaves and small white flowers.
at medium power, this meningioma is composed of whorled nests of cells. a variety of patterns are possible.
the shaft of the ceremonial mace is the whorled tusk of a narwhal, a small arctic whale. the door handles are of walrus tusk.