the 「dna dozen」 want to allay fears amongst the public that information about their genes should not be widely shared on the grounds that it is private and sensitive.
ten years ago, this would have seemed bizarre. now it is the norm, a common feature of high-tech products and a widely shared goal.
indecision does. a widely shared set of decision criteria around design can make the process more efficient.
above all, the idea being widely shared is that foreign exchange rates are bound up with trade balances.
and i know—based on weekly phone conversations with friends in the united states—that my masochistic drive for success is widely shared among my female friends.
her anger is widely shared in ginowan, the okinawan city that is host to a sprawling marine corps air station.
她的愤慨在沖绳岛的宜野湾市民众中激起了共鸣。 宜野湾市是美国海军陆战队的航空站所在地。
brazil’s strong economic performance and the popularity of its outgoing president, luiz inácio lula da silva, is reflected in a widely shared sense of progress.
such views are widely shared in italy.
we see food safety as a widely shared goal and everybody’s responsibility.
that fear of being left behind is widely shared in other countries too.
till now, italy’s increasingly geriatric politicians could argue they were responding to a widely shared mistrust of change in a country where change has seldom been for the better.
the great depression and its aftermath demonstrate that there is only one way back to full recovery: through more widely shared prosperity.