wide margin中文,wide margin的意思,wide margin翻译及用法

2025-01-07 12:26 浏览次数 5

wide margin

英[waid ˈmɑ:dʒin]美[waɪd ˈmɑrdʒɪn]



wide margin 片语


by a wide margin广泛的回旋余地

to win by wide margin以悬殊比分获胜

increase by a wide margin大幅度地增长

wide power margin高感度

Named Wide Margin取名广缘

Wide knot wealth margin广结财缘

Rule of country-wide dumping margin一国一税规则

wide-margin preferential regulation method宽裕度优先调节法

wide margin 例句


  • over the past 15 years america’s underlying productivity growth—adjusted for the ups and downs of the business cycle—has outperformed most other rich economies’ by a wide margin (see chart 12).


  • his comments signal that the sector is nearing the level of consolidation analysts say is needed to challenge rivals in india, which lead by a wide margin in the global outsourcing business.


  • because obama leads in the number of regular delegates pledged, clinton would need to win the superdelegates「 support by a wide margin to receive the nomination.


  • holmes said equally troubling is that newly displaced persons continue to outnumber by a wide margin those who return home or are resettled.


  • however, the wide margin of mr dhlakama」s victory did little to disguise the fact that he was re-elected by what was in effect a rump congress.


  • true, the same poll found that under-30s favoured the democrats by a wide margin (57% to 32%), but only half of these were absolutely certain to vote.


  • this gives the platform a wide margin of flexibility to accept additional armor kits and other systems as the vehicle evolves, he said.


  • that is, the iphone is printing cash, and google android -- despite beating apple in u.s. market share by a wide margin last quarter -- is setting it on fire.


  • the voters of arkansas preferred over mr by a wide margin in the presidential race of 2008.

    在2008年的总统竞选中,john mccain在阿肯色州的得票率超过obama一大截。
