wide range中文,wide range的意思,wide range翻译及用法

2025-01-07 12:26 浏览次数 5

wide range

英[waid reindʒ]美[waɪd rendʒ]


wide range 片语


wide-range plug通用火花塞

wide-range strain大幅度应变

wide-range monitor大范围监测器

wide spectral range宽光谱段

Wide speed range调速范围广

wide-range meter[仪]

Wide Input Range宽电压输入

Wide Size Range尺寸范围广

wide-range ohmmeter大量程欧姆表

wide range 例句


  • the key challenge for these clients is the technical level of their in-house it staffs, given the wide range of software they are called on to manage.


  • gas pulled away in such encounters might also form planets with a wide range of orbital inclinations.


  • with a strong graphic element visible in his work, o’connor uses a wide range of media including acrylics, spray paint, ink, paint markers, and household gloss and emulsions.


  • they occupy a wide range of habitats from urban areas to caves and forests.


  • this allows for the container to serve a wide range of functions, such as object lifecycle management and dependency resolution.


  • the ability to coat particles of it with antibiotics in this way could lead to the development of a wide range of innovative new materials.


  • but there is a wide range of boats from 12 to about 25 feet with either a fixed keel or a centerboard.


  • despite the social changes in our culture including divorce rates and cohabitation statistics, in a wide range of surveys 95% of people say that marriage is important to them.


  • the examples and concepts that follow are based on applying a value stream map to a software engineering organization, but these concepts are applicable to a wide range of settings.


  • the first thing that you should notice when looking at these results is the wide range of times from the browsers.


  • device type independence: the surrogate architecture must be able to support a wide range of hardware and software components with different capabilities.


  • the study, conducted by the university of maryland, judged how likely consumers of various news outlets and publications were to believe misinformation about a wide range of political issues.


  • you can use technology adapters to integrate to a wide range of applications.


  • taking a very broad view — 「people need a better way of communicating」 — would open up an extremely wide range of potential solutions, not limited just to the web.

    带着非常宽泛的视点 ——「人们需要一种新的通讯方式」——会让你看到范围极广的一系列潜在解决方案,并不局限于网络。

  • the most coveted are foreign postings: these can help young managers understand what it is like to run an entire company, or force specialists to deal with a wide range of problems.


  • to get around this, she says she attempts to simulate these connections by engaging the kids in a wide range of simultaneous exercises, including teaching letters, sounds, words and their meanings.


  • the partnership team develops and maintains partnerships with a wide range of organizations to join forces and avoid duplication.


  • doctors hope one day to use stem cells to treat a wide range of diseases such as parkinson's, diabetes and cancer.


  • the rules enable scopes to be used in a wide range of design patterns and applications, but such flexibility comes at the cost of complexity.


  • but the results have been disputed and since then, a wide range of modern tests have been unable to explain the markings on the cloth.


  • even so, there will be a wide range of neighborhood and community events, particularly in queens.


  • it is therefore essential for test management to consider the need for flexibility and capability in providing a wide range of reporting formats.


  • its versatility, flexibility, and wide range of implementations and environments make it difficult to describe procedures to cover all cases.

