wife and children中文,wife and children的意思,wife and children翻译及用法

2025-01-07 12:27 浏览次数 2

wife and children

英[waif ænd ˈtʃɪldrən]美[waɪf ənd ˈtʃɪldrən]


wife and children 片语


My wife and children Sweetheart我家小甜心

supporting a wife and children拖儿带女

A Wife And Children妻子和孩子

Japanese wife and children翻译公司妻子

the deserted wife and children被遗弃的妻子儿女

Your wife and children你的老婆和孩子呢

Strong wife and children丈夫

Or Wife And Children或妻子儿女

wife and children 例句


  • imagine a man「s response when he first hears that his wife and children have been taken captive by the enemy and slaughtered.


  • he adored his wife and children and the company of his friends, especially the skilled pamphleteer, desmoulins.


  • it is also a relief to know his wife and children are in south africa while he is on the front line.


  • i urged the officer to hide his family to ensure that his wife and children weren」t kidnapped or killed in retaliation.


  • dan wellman lives with his wife and children in his home town of southampton on the south coast of england.


  • he that hath wife and children hath given hostages to fortune; for they are impediments to great enterprises, either of virtue or mischief.


  • no, the wonder is not that they stray, but that they usually have a beautiful wife and children at home.


  • make sure that your wife and children understand that this is how you make decisions for the family, and that your decisions are designed to do what is best for the family in the eyes of god.


  • in 1971, list methodically killed his mother, wife and children in his 18-room house. then he ate lunch before leaving for a new life.


  • i sat in the car for half an hour, while my wife and children sat and watched.


  • he mentions his long-suffering wife and children rather too often, but the result is full of insights and on occasion delightfully funny.


  • his neighbours at home have been shot dead, his house has been burned, and his wife and children are lost.


  • the man together with his wife and children sits on the sofa watching tv.


  • 「all i want is a good home and a wife and children and some food to feed them every night, 」 says scott-heron, bringing the fantasy to a close.

    alliwantisagoodhomeandawife and children andsomefoodtofeedthemeverynight"(「我所想要的只是一个温馨的家庭和一个妻子和几个孩子和一些食物每天晚上来养活他们」),scott-heron说,把幻想带到结束的终点。
