wild boar中文,wild boar的意思,wild boar翻译及用法

2025-01-07 12:27 浏览次数 4

wild boar

英[waild bɔ:]美[waɪld bɔr]

[脊椎] 野猪

wild boar 英语释义


  • Old World wild swine having a narrow body and prominent tusks from which most domestic swine come; introduced in United States

wild boar 片语


wild pig野猪

WB Wild Boar野猪色


wild boar fat野猪脂

wild boar gall野猪胆

The Wild Boar外德波尔酒店

Wild d boar野猪

FRY wild boar Bacon小炒野猪腊肉

Wild Boar Ditch山猪沟

wild boar 例句


  • this wild boar and strong disease resistance, reproduction rate , the purity of moderate, suitable for commercialization of the development, are pure green.


  • in the first week, the team found a piece of tiger fur caught on a fence, and droppings and sightings of the main prey species – wild boar and sika deer – as well as snares and traps left by poachers.


  • the wild boar had its tusk sunk deeply into a tree and howled desperately.


  • a while back a wild boar attacked me while i was walking in the woods.


  • the team sent some people out hunting and they bagged a wild boar .


  • i kept thinking, has come to a wild boar by buha hole.


  • the the wild boar (sus scrofa) is often found marauding in the swamp margin and it is a source of bushmeat in asia.


  • or a wild boar don「t know which way to go.


  • he was later killed by a wild boar –an attack that may have been arranged to avenge another of adonis」 romantic intrigues.


  • there was a land that had a big concern, because of a wild boar that was digging up the field biting people and killing them.

    从前有个国家来了一头野猪。 它践踏耕地、咬杀牲畜,还用尖利的獠牙咬人,人们为此痛苦不堪。

  • in europe, where very few people brushed their teeth, it was found that wild boar hairs were too stiff and made the gums bleed, so horse hair, which was softer, was used instead.


  • the tudor pig was nearer to the wild boar in looks than our very round pink pigs of today.


  • the wildlife trade has claimed a share of this improbable species, the pseudoryx nghetinhensis , as they get caught in snares intended for more numerous animals, like the wild boar or deer.


  • recommended food pairings: an excellent food partner for wild game like roasted deer, wild boar stew, steaks, dark meat and savory pies.


  • the soup worked, and we attacked the ensuing banquet with gusto, while the chef dispensed vézelay rouge and reminisced about catering for wild boar hunts with royal guests from england.


  • defra's assessment of the problem includes the introduction of food and hygiene standards that need to be met if feral wild boar are killed for food.


  • earls of wilbraham, quasi wild boar ham.


  • according to the u. s. national pork board, the earliest evidence of domestication of the wild boar can be dated to 4900 bc in china.

