Use wildcard characters in search conditions
Lists wildcard characters that can be included in search strings.
The section also explains how to find wildcard characters contained in your data.
You can also use wildcard characters to express the resource location pattern. The location of this file is specified in the [junction] stanza of the configuration file.
Similar to Open Type, you can use wildcard characters or abbreviations to quickly narrow down the list of resources.
It also recognizes two wildcard characters in the binding key: # matches zero or more words and * matches one word. Example: the binding key *.stock.
When wildcard characters are used with other operators, they should be treated as literals and simply be passed through to the repository, and no exception should be thrown.
It also briefly explains how to use wildcard characters in replacement strings.
For example, if a user were to type in a string that is used to search some index, it may be important to filter the string for improper wildcard characters that might cause unbounded searches.
Both of these can be used to set explicit registrations, or you can use asterisks in the names as wildcard characters to affect multiple connections in one modify command.
Expand wildcard characters in SELECT statements: you can use refactoring to expand wildcard characters that are used in views, procedures, and scripts in your database project.