
2025-01-07 12:27 浏览次数 1


n. 通配符;万用字符

wildcards 英语释义


    1. an unknown or unpredictable factor

    2. one picked to fill a leftover playoff or tournament berth after regularly qualifying competitors have all been determined

    3. a symbol (such as ? or *) used in a keyword database search to represent the presence of zero, one, or more than one unspecified characters

    4. a playing card that can represent any other card in a game

    5. a person or thing that could affect a situation in a way that cannot be predicted an unknown or unpredictable factor

    6. a player or team chosen to fill a place in a competition after the regularly qualified players or teams have all been decided

wildcards 片语


wildcard character通配符

Or Selected By Wildcards或选定通配符

Wildcards Support通配符支持

Use wildcards使用通配符

File Wildcards文件通配符

using wildcards使用用字元

Bounded Wildcards有限制的通配符

wildcards dns关于网站二级域名问题

Topic wildcards主题通配符

wild card character通配符

Mapping Wildcards映射通配符

wildcards 例句


  • Although you can save bandwidth by using short topics, a well-designed topic space that is more descriptive and that allows the use of wildcards in subscribing applications has substantial benefits.


  • Although it is unlikely that such a DN collision between two CAs could occur by accident with a fully-specified SSLPEER value, adding wildcards to the SSLPEER specification increases that chance.


  • Quoting any wildcards that you pass to this script isn「t necessary but helps simplify the output that it displays.


  • Lower-bounded wildcards show up when you want to specify a callback object, such as a comparator, or a data structure into which you are going to place a value.


  • It shows how you can replace element wildcards from the schema snippet in Listing 15 with an open content.


  • In the case that wildcards are not supported by your repository, you will throw an exception when you encounter a wildcard with a LIKE operator.


  • In addition, asterisks can be used as wildcards to match multiple nodes, and bracketed expressions can be used to match attribute values and specify indices.


  • In addition to proper index or predicate containment with wildcards and namespaces, the second requirement for index eligibility is that data types of predicates and indexes need to match.


  • The biggest impediment to using bounded wildcards correctly is the perception that we don」t need to use them!


  • Take care when you use wildcards if you expect to require validation or allow lax validation if a schema can be found.


  • The most common mistake with bounded wildcards is forgetting to use them at all, restricting the utility of a class or forcing users to jump through hoops to reuse an existing class.


  • Asterisks can be used as wildcards and, unlike a text search, they can be used as the first character of the string.


  • You can use wildcards when you type the class name to filter the list below the text box.


  • Use redirect wildcards to redirect specific types of files to a particular file.

