
2025-01-07 12:27 浏览次数 4



adj. 野生动植物的

n. 野生动植物

wildlife 英语释义


  • all living things (except people) that are undomesticated;

    "chemicals could kill all the wildlife"

wildlife 片语


Respect Wildlife尊重野生动物

Wonderful Wildlife奇妙的野生生物

Wildlife AllianceWildlife Alliance is an international non-profit wildlife and forest conservation organization with current programs and partnerships in Cambodi It is headquartered in New York City, with offices in Phnom Penh.

wildlife management[动] 野生生物管理

wildlife trade野生动植物贸易

Wildlife Architects大自然的建筑师

wildlife conservation野生生物保护

wildlife refuge[环境][动] 野生动物保护区

wildlife park野生动物园

African Wildlife非洲野生动物

Wildlife Rescue救援野活泼物

Wildlife Caretaker野生动物看护员

wildlife 例句


  • after we spent the night with him, ted got us up at dawn to take a helicopter up the missouri river and watch the wildlife waking up to the day.


  • he said tanzania had done more to protect wildlife than most countries, and he added, with clear frustration at outsiders, that 「you guys always talk about animals, but we need to think about people.


  • he gets close to wildlife at times, but only when the animals come to him.


  • i would also enclose all of the wildlife areas.


  • i skipped most of them, preferring not to have too much preparation for the wildlife and wonders of the ice.


  • the hills are flush with trees and vegetation, brimming with streams, and full of wildlife and a new population of content villagers.


  • what do images of nature and wildlife tell us and why do we feel compelled to view them?

    大自然与野生生物的图像告诉了我们什么? 当我们查看图像的时候为什么我们会觉得被强迫?

  • i think people should be aware that mortality events in wildlife are normal. they are a fact of life.


  • stalking wildlife animal to take pictures of them is quite difficult, because in any moment your subject could run or worst attack you.


  • in the arctic, above the ice and below, wildlife prospers in what might seem to be an inhospitable environment.


  • extensive research and testing has since demonstrated that well-managed indoor residual spraying programmes using ddt pose no harm to wildlife or to humans.


  • others have said that all of mars should be protected as a wildlife preserve where we do everything possible to avoid contamination; on the assumption martian microbes could exist.


  • this law has metastasised: it now requires americans, in essence, to abide by every plant and wildlife regulation set by any country on earth.


  • 「shutting off the oil is a very important step, but we should not assume this disaster is over,」 said larry schweiger, president of the national wildlife federation.

