wildlife habitat中文,wildlife habitat的意思,wildlife habitat翻译及用法

2025-01-07 12:27 浏览次数 4

wildlife habitat


wildlife habitat 片语


The Wildlife Habitat野生动物栖息地

Wildlife Habitat Conservation野生动物栖息地保护

Wildlife Habitat Incentives ProgramThe Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program is a program established by the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996 (the Farm Bill) to promote voluntary implementation of on-farm management practices to develop habitat for wetland and upland wildlife, threatened and endangered species, fish, and other types of wildlife using cost-share payments and technical assistance. Between its inception and the start of the 2002 financial year, the program enrollment included 10,729 long term agreements on over .

Lulinshan Major Wildlife Habitat鹿林山野生动物重要栖息环境

Wildlife habitat display野生生物栖息地分布

wildlife habitat index野生生物生境指数

Wildlife Habitat Port Douglas道格拉斯港野生动物栖息地动物园

wildlife habitat 例句


  • depending on your career objective, you may also have specialized classes in veterinary science, wildlife habitat management, etc.


  • courses include the study of land use management, wildlife habitat and wildlife management, grassland ecology, public administration, and environmental law.


  • study of wildlife habitat selection is an important and basic part in zoology.


  • and in the united states, the national wildlife federation’s certified wildlife habitat program has reached more than 100, 000 properties.


  • the us army corps of engineers have begun a program to restore wildlife habitat by creating new islands along a massive, three-mile stretch of the mississippi river.


  • conscientious birders practice sound wildlife habitat conservation habits to keep birds healthy, including reducing or eliminating chemical pesticides and fertilizers on their lawns.


  • yellowstone is widely considered to be the finest megafauna wildlife habitat in the lower 48 states.


  • mountain natural chenglin rare trees, wildlife habitat here often, expensive medicine wide variety.


  • discharge water from the system charges a wetland for waterfowl and ultimately returns to an existing stream for spawning salmon and other wildlife habitat restoration.

