wildlife management中文,wildlife management的意思,wildlife management翻译及用法

2025-01-07 12:27 浏览次数 1

wildlife management

英[ˈwaɪldˌlaɪf ˈmænidʒmənt]美[ˈwaɪldˌlaɪf ˈmænɪdʒmənt]

[动] 野生生物管理

wildlife management 片语


journal of wildlife managementThe Journal of Wildlife Management is a peer-reviewed scientific journal devoted to the ecology of non-domesticated animal specie It is published by The Wildlife Society.

Maine Wildlife Management Area缅因野生动物管理区

Plant and Wildlife Resource Management植物与野生动植物资源管理

Wildlife Damage Management野生动物伤害管理

Master of Wildlife Management野生动物管理学

Principles of Wildlife Management野生动物管理原则

Wildlife Animals Management野生动物管理学

wildlife management 例句


  • wwf in russia and the swedish association for hunting and wildlife management are working to increase wild prey communities.


  • wildlife management includes management of rare animals, economic animals and normal animals.


  • peter henning has been involved in wildlife management in southeastern zimbabwe for many years.


  • wildlife management is taking him back to the wilds and his buddies.


  • the state government operates approximately half as a wildlife management area.


  • to deal with the existing situation of nature reserves, wildlife management strategy is present.


  • the objective of wildlife management is to maintain the wildlife population appropriate in nature reserves.


  • the main idea of this thesis is how to perfect wildlife management and utilization system, and then come out a road for sustainable utilization.


  • wildlife management involves care of the soil to produce good vegetation; it also involves care of plants, not only as a source of food, but also as protection.


  • its goal over the next 25 years is to assemble three million acres, the largest tract of land devoted to wildlife management in the continental united states.


  • the primary enforcement of marking management, which promoted the process of wildlife management development, is an important symbol for the realization of standardized management;


  • previous declarations of wildlife management areas in png have been less restrictive, allowing logging, mining and other development activities.


  • these module units are assembled annually in a wildlife management area site chosen for optimal 24/7 polar bear viewing.

