n. 耶鲁(男子名);(美)耶鲁大学;耶鲁弹簧锁(等于Yale lock)
2025-01-07 12:46 浏览次数 4
n. 耶鲁(男子名);(美)耶鲁大学;耶鲁弹簧锁(等于Yale lock)
yale university(美)耶鲁大学
Yale brass耶尔低锡黄铜
Richmond Yale瑞奇蒙德
Yale Review耶鲁评论
Yale Gateman耶鲁凯特曼
Yale Univerity耶鲁大学
Yale schoolThe Yale School is a colloquial name for an influential group of literary critics, theorists, and philosophers of literature that were influenced by Jacques Derrida's philosophy of deconstructio Many of the theorists were affiliated with Yale University in the late 1970s, although a number of the theorists — including Derrida himself — subsequently moved to or became affiliated with the University of California at Irvine.
Yale Joel耶尔·乔尔
Yale University(美)耶鲁大学
Yale College[[Harkness Tower at Yale]]
Not surprisingly, law school is one of the most popular destinations for Yale grads majoring in history.
They said 「oh hey, we can just combine these together — after all, Yale did it.
「We could maybe compare brain changes in mothers who were depressed or had problems bonding with their infants to normal mothers,」 said Kim, who was at Yale University when she did the work.
Researchers from Yale University found that kids are seeing more fast food ads than ever before.
Also, it seems hardly a surprise to me that the children of two Yale law professors did well in school, and one might ask if that would have happened however they were raised.
So that「s why Yale is much more generous with financial aid than other universities and why we have beautiful -of course, this room was built, I believe, in the 30s.
If so, those early galaxies would have forged stars at a much more prodigious rate, says Pieter van Dokkum of Yale University.
They strike me as less intellectually adventurous than the Yale students of today.
Although, through these three presidents, I understand that the quality of Yale graduates is not so even.
She loved it when a professor at the Yale School of Drama called her a 「vicious dumpling」.
His identification card will not allow him access to any Yale buildings, the official said.
Every year around 25 percent of employed Yale graduates enter the consulting and finance industries.
」It certainly would be extremely difficult for someone from outside of Yale to get into that space. Not impossible, but extremely difficult,' he told the newspaper.
It includes authority, in this case the authority of Yale and the authority of science.
I have met again with her family and conveyed to them the deeply felt support of the Yale community.
My cover was blown, so I asked her to take a walk with me to the Yale Art Gallery to see the Mark Rothko exhibit.
In the past twenty years, China has faced three American presidents, but till coming to Yale today, I never realized that China really just faced one university.
Yale is both a small college and a large research university.
Yale passed on purchasing the Gospel because of such concerns.
Recently, for example, psychologists at Yale University showed a cartoon to two groups of children.
I enrolled in Yale Law School in the fall after the riots.
And fortunately, there is a community at Yale of the best scholars and teachers on the planet.
Or you join the Yale Club in New York, something like that, and you sit around and talk with people.