He will go to Thailand on Saturday to meet with leaders there, then return to Yangon on Sunday to attend a joint U.N.-ASEAN international pledge conference for the cyclone victims.
「The shopkeeper gave me 3 sweets for change of 150 kyat when I bought a bottle of cough mixture,」 complained a Yangon driver.
Yangon had no 「soul」 either, when it became the capital of British Burma.
Japan said it might cut aid to Myanmar after the shooting of a Japanese journalist by a soldier during the Yangon protests.
While in custody in a Yangon jail during his trial, he had a seizure and was hospitalized for a week.
Though it「s my guess that she」ll be enchanted both by Suu Kyi and Yangon – a good deal more so than the sterile meeting rooms of Naypyitaw.
In Yangon and other major cities, the USDP cannot count on overwhelming support.
Another Yangon resident, a 66-year-old retired government employee, was more reserved about the news.
Some Burmese drove out in their cars from Yangon to try to offer whatever help they could to their compatriots.
Many residents of Yangon would simply be happy to get electricity.
Surely even the generals「 wives and families don」t fancy living in Naypyidaw, perhaps more especially them preferring Yangon instead, and can you blame them?
A small meat processing training centre was established under the Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department (LBVD) in Yangon and fully equipped with small-scale meat processing machinery.
The junta refused. So the monks took to the streets of Yangon and other cities in their thousands, marching and chanting prayers.
The cyclone and sea surges damaged or destroyed more than half of health facilities in the Ayeyarwady Delta and Yangon regions, straining health relief services for survivors.
Yangon residents who traveled to the Irrawaddy delta trying to bring their own supplies said there was a clear lack of adequate aid.