and if it is, can a company that for decades has been the yardstick for manufacturing excellence turn itself around in time?
our paycheck, our title, or some other artificial yardstick gives us temporary entrée into the world of the accepted.
he also provides us with a yardstick for measuring the chances that the arab awakening this spring will meet his three tests of political order (not high, at least not yet).
this yardstick tends to be shrugged off by empire builders, but in the long run it is the only one that counts.
and so having the opportunity to be here as a yardstick has i think been extraordinarily important and of great benefit to all of us.
it was a little later that he followed up the attack with two short essays, 「the wonder-dreamers」 and 「the yardstick of the ego.」
this is an important yardstick against which all reform proposals should be measured.
similarly, many scientific bodies have endorsed the use of the who growth standards, while united nations agencies use them as the common yardstick to assess and monitor child growth.
his aim is to make the german station a yardstick against which other news reports can be checked: not so much a loud voice as a dependable one.
these so-called baryon acoustic oscillations offer another yardstick for measuring the expansion rate of the universe over time and putting limits on the value of dark energy.
they then made this experience a yardstick for evaluating future losses.
the correct yardstick is just for this moment.
there is no unique yardstick (for us to judge whether she’s lady or not) existing in the world, thus it is unnecessary for us to learn from others.
as a historian noted, it was as if 「the yardstick of value was 36 inches long in 1879 ... 46 inches in 1896, 13 and a half inches in 1920.」
place a yardstick on the floor. secure it by placing a piece of tape across the yardstick at the 15-inch (38-centimeter) mark.
you can use yardstick competition. so they have to compete against each other for the resources.