When the bombs went off in London last year, I thought about Yeats and what he might have thought or written about this.
That said though it「s dangerous to limit any artist to a particular period. You might think of Yeats in terms of the Easter rebellion in Ireland or Wordsworth around the French Revolution right?
The occult gives Yeats aesthetic forms for understanding individual psychology and historical event.
In Section III below, Yeats says, 「Get all the gold and silver that you can」 — 「provide, provide!」
But Yeats doesn」t answer the question, does he? Well, why not?
Yeats seems to be reversing this trick in 「the Fisherman,」 seems to be converting myth back into reality the ideal object of desire from a glimmering girl back into a trout.
The realization of desire for this young Yeats is something only possible in art.
Well, that「s enough for today, and we will continue Yeats on Wednesday.
Yeats seems to be insisting through Jane on the necessity of shattering experience to achieve unity of being, which Yeats imagines, again, as the union of opposites.
There are many other instances of this myth-making imagination that Yeats is always working with.
Yeats is throwing off his early work as if throwing off a kind of costume.
Again it might seem that Yeats is interested in something like this too and, again, in this same moment that Frost is publishing his work in England.
And interestingly, strangely, make of it what you will, the man who detonated that bomb, as I understand it, had studied Yeats at school in Leeds.
That this great mind and great memory Let」s see. On your handout I have Yeats on the subject of magic.
Notice here how Yeats images what is at the core of Christ「s birth.
This is an important phase of his career, when with the help of Lady Augusta Gregory and John Synge, Yeats tries to establish an Irish national drama.
Well, Yeats begins in scorn of an audience that」s unable to recognize true wisdom and great art.