Yehudi WynerYehudi Wyner (born June 1, 1929 in Calgary, Alberta) is an American composer, pianist, conductor and music educator.
Yehudi Menuhin耶胡迪·梅纽因(人名)
Yehudi Menuhin SchoolThe Yehudi Menuhin School is a world-renowned music school for violinists aged 8-19. It started out as an establishment in London before relocating to Stoke d'Abernon in Surrey, England.
Yehudi Menuhim梅纽因
Yehudi i犹太人
Yehudi MenuhinYehudi梅纽恩
Yehudi Menhin耶胡迪·梅纽因
yehudi menuhellon梅纽因
Yehudi Mehuhin表演者