yellow fever中文,yellow fever的意思,yellow fever翻译及用法

2025-01-07 12:48 浏览次数 2

yellow fever

英[ˌjeləʊ ˈfiːvə(r)]美[ˌjeloʊ ˈfiːvər]

[内科] 黄热病

yellow fever 英语释义


  • caused by a flavivirus transmitted by a mosquito

yellow fever 片语


yellow fever immunization黄热病免疫

canine yellow fever翻译

Yellow Fever Vaccination Date黄热病证签发日期

mediterranean yellow fever地中海黄热

Urban yellow fever城市型黄热病

yellow w fever黄热病

yellow fever disease黄热病

yellow fever vaccination certificate黄热病接种证书

Yellow fever virus黄热病病毒

yellow fever 例句


  • although yellow fever vaccine production has tripled since 2001, the roll-out of the programme is limited by insufficient supply of vaccine for 2009,” said dr perea.


  • yellow fever reappeared in these regions after an absence of more than 20 years.


  • this health district was not retained as a high priority epidemic risk during the consensus meeting for the yellow fever risk assessment in 2007.


  • yellow fever remains the only disease specifically designated under the ihr (2005) for which proof of vaccination or prophylaxis may be required for travellers as a condition of entry to a state.


  • on 8 september 2009, the ministry of health (moh), cameroon reported a laboratory-confirmed case of yellow fever, identified through routine yellow fever surveillance.


  • yellow fever is an acute, haemorrhagic, viral disease that is transmitted to humans by infected mosquitoes.


  • an assessment of yellow fever virus circulation in human, non human primates and vectors was carried out in 2009 by a group of experts of the yellow fever partnership.


  • the fact that governments in each of these countries have already demonstrated political and financial commitment to yellow fever was decisive in securing this external support.


  • the vaccine (1 500 000 doses) has been provided by the the gavi alliance emergency stockpile, through the international coordinating group (icg) on vaccine provision for yellow fever control.


  • so the floods in swat and the indus valley are, like the yellow fever mosquitoes of the netherlands, an indication that things could get worse.


  • the 12 countries taking part in the yellow fever initiative are benin, burkina faso, cameroon, c?te d'ivoire, ghana, guinea, liberia, mali, nigeria, senegal, sierra leone and togo.


  • gavi-funded vaccines released by the international coordinating group on yellow fever vaccine provision (yf-icg) for the 2010 country mass preventive campaign will be used.


  • the index case was identified through routine yellow fever surveillance system.


  • what kind of yellow fever vaccines are valid under the ihr (2005) and must they be administered at a vaccination centre designated by the state or at a listed who-approved vaccination centre?


  • these cases follow two yellow fever outbreaks in basse kotto and ombella mpoko prefectures earlier in 2009.


  • live vaccines, such as oral poliovirus vaccine; yellow fever vaccine; and measles, mumps and rubella vaccines, do not contain thiomersal, because it would kill the immunizing component.

