Yenisei KirghizThe Yenisei Kirghiz, also known as the Khyagas or Khakas, were an ancient Turkic people that dwelled along the upper Yenisei River in the southern portion of the Minusinsk Depression from the 3rd century BCE to the 13th century CE. The heart of their homeland was the forested Tannu-Ola mountain range (known in ancient times as the Lao or Kogmen mountains), in modern day Tuva, just north of Mongoli
Yenisei Punk唱片名
Ust Yenisei Port乌斯叶尼塞港
yenisei gulfLocation of the Yenisei estuary.
Yenisei River
a Russian river in Siberia; rises in mountains near the Mongolian border and flows generally northward into the Kara Sea
Yenisey River
Bridge across Yenisei River叶尼塞河大桥
the Yenisei叶尼塞河