Before major construction begins Thursday evening, the entire Bay Bridge is closed to traffic, including access to and from Yerba Buena Island.
Striding back and forth across the stage at the Yerba Buena Center, Jobs spoke passionately about the iPad 2's features as No. 2 and heir apparent Tim Cook looked on.
The bridge connects San Francisco to Oakland and the rest of the East bay, making a stopover on Yerba Buena Island, which sits in the middle of the bay.
Background: Yerba Buena Island is a small chunk ofland resting in the San Francisco Bay, between Oakland and SanFrancisco.
背景材料: 耶尔瓦布埃纳岛是旧金山湾中,位于奥克兰和旧金山之间的一片小岛。
The latest Apple feats, as relayed by Steve Jobs from the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco.
最新的苹果的壮举,史提夫乔布斯在旧金山Yerba Buena艺术中心传话