Serob Karapetian, the chief of Yerevan airport「s aviation security service, said the plane may have attempted an emergency landing, but reports that it caught fire in the air were 「only one version」.
In May 113 people, including Russians, died when an Airbus A-320 belonging to Armenian airline Armavia crashed on its way from Yerevan to the Russian resort of Sochi.
The provocative idea was posited by Vahe Gurzadyan of Yerevan Physics Institute in Armenia and celebrated theoretical physicist Roger Penrose of the University of Oxford, UK.
The Turks have even made a partial attempt at reconciliation with Armenia, a process begun when President Abdullah Gul visited Yerevan in late 2008 to attend a football match.
Television pictures showed reporters at a news agency in the capital Yerevan staring glumly at blank screens.
It is threatening to sever air links between Turkey and Yerevan and to expel Armenian migrant workers if the Armenian government does not lobby on its behalf.