yield per unit area中文,yield per unit area的意思,yield per unit area翻译及用法

2025-01-07 12:49 浏览次数 8

yield per unit area

[jild pɚ ˈjunɪt ˈɛriə]


yield per unit area 例句


  • grain yield per unit area and irrigation are the most important factors among all influencing factors and the application of chemical fertilizer is the secondary factor.


  • we will effectively keep the area planted with grain crops stable, focus on increasing the yield per unit area and optimizing the variety mix, and increase the country「s grain production capacity.


  • the phenotypic and genetic correlations between grain yield per unit area and protein percentage were -0.50 and -0.90 respectively.


  • faced to tillage land resource reducing and large proportion of hilly fields, increasing yield per unit area must be done to meet the need of increasing population at present and in the future.


  • in 1959, various factors such as reduction of sown areas, less yield per unit area and natural disasters contributed to the decrease in grain output.


  • there is potential for increasing the yield per unit area on the existing cultivated land.


  • furthermore, in the r5 stage, stem dry weight, the content of sucrose, total content of amino acid per unit area and yield per unit area were positive correlation significantly.


  • china has been the world」s second largest corn producer since 1996, corn production and yield per unit area than wheat ranking cereal crops second place.


  • the paper puts forward the quantization formula by regarding fictitious yield per unit area as one way of contrasting and evaluating the economic results of aquaculture.


  • since 1987, late rice is planted in extensive area. the meteorological factors influencing the variation of grain yield per unit area from 1987 on differ obviously with those before 1987.


  • the first assignment of development wheat production is raising yield per unit area and improving quality, and the varieties improvement can not do well without innovation of new wheat germplasm.


  • to increase the grain yield per unit area and to enlarge the planting area are two important measures to keep the sustainable grain yield increase.


  • an important method of increasing rice yield per unit area is to improve the rice-planting mechanization lever and use advanced planting technology.

