the technological process of the present invention is suitable for industrial production and relatively low cost, and high yield up to 5 %.
one cell phone can yield up to 20 milligrams of gold; that may seem minuscule, but consider this: a ton of phones can provide 20 times more gold than a ton of gold ore.
the revenue estimates that this could yield up to £1.5 billion in unpaid taxes.
this compound efficiently catalyzed the direct asymmetric aldol reaction with the yield up to 90.0% and enanti- omeric excess up to 89.5%.
as investors poured into the stock market, the price of the 10-year treasury note fell, pushing its yield up to 3.822%.
「xinkangpulai」 no. 4, specially applicable for wheat, will increase numbers of effective ears, kernels and kernel weight and improve crops quality with arise in yield up to 15-20%.
the oil shale of wulidui formation in the wucheng basin, tongbai occurs as brown-black, thin and soft slices with an average oil yield up to 6.
planted cane may yield up to seventy tons per acre in good soil.
a new method in which lactic acid was oxidized by liquid phase catalysis and selectively converted to pyruvic acid with yield up to 58. 2% was introduced.
one cell phone can yield up to 20 milligrams of gold;
the mere act of booking simultaneously can yield up to $450 in savings compared to what it would cost to book the same component separately.
smooth, moderate operation can yield up to 10% savings in fuel.
the corresponding nitro alcohols were obtained in yield up to 96%.
a series of symmetrically tri-substituted triazines 3-10 were synthesized by solid grinding with yield up to 85%.
in addition, the catalyst can result in product yield up to 170-180 vol% of olefin feed.
a resurgence of the wet and windy weather is likely following slacker winds today and could yield up to 25mm of rain in some parts of the country.