1. an alkaloid C21H26N2O3 obtained from the bark of the yohimbe that is a weak blocker of alpha-adrenergic receptors and has been used as an aphrodisiac
2. an alkaloid obtained from the bark of yohimbe that is a weak blocker of alpha-adrenergic receptors and has been used in the form of its hydrochloride C21H26N2O3·HCl as a mydriatic and aphrodisiac and to treat male impotence — called also quebrachine
yohimbine 片语
Yohimbine HClCAS盐酸育亨宾
Yohimbine Extract育亨宾提取物
yohimbine alkaloid[有化]
Yohimbine HCl盐酸育亨宾
Yohimbine hydrochlorid盐酸育亨宾堿
Yohimbine Hydrochloride盐酸育亨宾
Alpha Yohimbine萝芙素盐酸盐
yohimbine acid育亨酸
Yohimbine-[生化] 育亨宾,壮阳堿
yohimbine 例句
Do not mix yohimbine with foods containing tyramine, like cheese, wine, and overripe fruit.
But yohimbine could not antagonize the central hypotensive action of GABA, while picrotoxin could entirely block it.
It is dangerous to mix yohimbine with other stimulants.
Do not take yohimbine if you are pregnant. It can cause miscarriages.
A high dosage of yohimbine can cause strong hallucinations.
If you have high blood pressure or heart problems, taking yohimbine can be dangerous as it gets your heart thumping and your blood pumping.
Do not mix yohimbine with foods containing tyramine, like cheese, wine, and overripe fruit. It can cause a dangerous, and potentially fatal, reaction called hypertensive crisis.
Using tail-flick test and writhing test, the effect of intrathecal injection (it) of yohimbine at different concentrations on the analgesic action of ketamine was observed.
This paper belongs to one part of research of yohimbine alkaloid.