if you want to leave, you will leave, whether you are married or not.
whether you are married or single, we all want to feel desired.
or, if you are married or have a serious business partnership now, you may get good news from your partner.
not to mince matters, i don't approve of my daughter going out with you because you are married man.
so whether you are married or not, remember, all marriages are fake -- just social conveniences.
it’s a wonderful thing if you are married and living in a home with your children, but don’t just sit in the house and watch 「sports center」 all weekend long.
so the claim that you are married makes you live longer.
if you are married or in a committed relationship, you will have a much smoother journey if they are on board with what you are doing.
student: ok, but my point is will they still ask if you are married or not?
expatriating also helps if you have a british passport and are looking to acquire a uk domicile, which may have some inheritance tax benefits, particularly if you are married to a brit.
yang li: william, i know you are married but you are not a father yet, right?
i tell you, whether you are married or not, i is your parking bays .
if you are married already or have been living together for a long time, you may hear some interesting news from your partner, or you may decide to welcome a baby soon.
do you mind if i ask you whether you are married or not?
if you are married or attached seriously, you will not be as affected by these eclipses, but it will be a great period to take more time for one another, such as to go on a vacation.
student: but for anything financial it is very relevant whether if you are married or not.
love of your spouse means loving someone you are married to.