You want peace, 「Lincoln said, and you blame me that we do not have it.」
I do not obey the time, always have reason to, please, before you blame me think of a good.
I am afraid I will still be nagging her with a To do list at 90 years old... But do you blame me with so much talent?
If, one day - you can「t find me any longer, Whether - Will you blame me for exiling your heart so easily?
I knew that you blame me for the thing between your father and me, but it wa not all my fault, and I need your understanding.
Tommy, Tommy, watch your tone. SONNY: Anyone would think you blame me SONNY: for that unfortunate set of circumstances.
Can you blame me after all that」s happened?
Before you blame me for not cooperative, lazy or simply stubborn, please ask yourself if something is bothering me.