without it, you might as well be some caveman, lost in time and pounding out text-messages on cavern walls in pig blood.
if you order a venti (20-oz. ) starbucks caffé mocha, you might as well be sipping that 500-calorie burger through a straw.
are you really listening! every time you say, 「but i thought you said, 」 you might as well be saying, 「i wasted.
but i want to be friends you left your heart, as well as a vent their feelings, so much so that i help you, you might as well be said to be helping themselves to your own.
if not, you might as well be throwing out money.
nobody really cares how miserable you「re , so you might as well be happy. - cynthia nelms.
think twice before eating those dropped crumbs off your computer keyboard -- you might as well be eating off a toilet seat, according to a new study on the amount of germs on keyboards.
i don’t know if you had a chance to see it, but darcy left a really good question in the comments under 5 reasons you might as well be authentic.
nobody really cares if you」re miserable, so you might as well be happy.
here and in the rest of north kosovo, which is home to about 40,000 serbs and only a few albanians, you might as well be in serbia.
every time you say, 」but i thought you said, 「 you might as well be saying, 」i wasted all this time doing the wrong thing.
therefore, if you’re going to be with yourself all the time, you might as well be nice to yourself.
i mean, if you「re bored anyway, you might as well be reading a good book, right?
you might as well be sharing your information with the public security bureau.
you might as well be walking the halls in your underwear.
you might as well be right.
you don」t get the benefit of the shorthand syntax shown in listing 5, so you might as well be a little more verbose and create better self-documentation for your annotation type.
因为不可能从 清单5所示的简写形式中获益,所以您需要创建虽然稍微有点冗长,但是更容易理解的注释类型。